Is the Future of Energy Floating Solar?

Is the Future of Energy Floating Solar? As the world continues to seek innovative and sustainable solutions to meet its growing energy needs, floating solar power has emerged as a promising technology. By harnessing the untapped potential of water bodies, such as reservoirs, lakes, and ponds, floating solar arrays offer unique advantages and pave the […]
Solar for Apartments: What Are Your Options?

If you live in an apartment in Australia, you probably think having rooftop solar is out of the question. It does not seem probable for you to put panels on the roof. So, is there a way for you to enjoy solar for apartments? Let’s talk about it in this blog. Clean energy is the […]
Top 8 Solar Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Solar

On the surface, solar-powered systems are pretty much easy to understand but some people do solar mistakes. Just go for good, Tier-1 panels, choose a quality inverter, and perhaps add battery storage to power your appliances. But the reality is more complicated and requires research and professional guidance. Top eight mistakes Australians make when they […]
Western Australia Power Credit: How to Benefit More From It

Western Australia Power Credit: Premier Mark McGowan has recently announced households in Western Australia will receive credit on their electricity account. More than a million homeowners will enjoy this rebate, which is expected before the next bill. According to the press release, about 1.1 million households will get the one-off $600 rebate starting on the […]
Solar Planning Reforms Set to Take Place in Western Australia in 2020

The pandemic COVID-19 shocked the whole world. It had a massive impact on the economy. For months now, economies have struggled to keep up and stay alive. Governments created plans to Solar Planning Reforms and are now on their way to executing them to save different industries. In Australia, there are new and modified laws […]
Working From Home: Solar and Energy Bills

The pandemic due to the coronavirus, SARS-COV-2, which causes the potentially deadly COVID-19 has changed the way people go about their routines. In that situation they also affect Solar and Energy Bills. Although Australians can now go to certain public spaces, wearing a mask, such as a surgical mask, is recommended for protection against the […]
Coronavirus: Government Stimulus & Instant Asset Write Off for Commercial Solar

After the bushfire disasters, Australia (and the rest of the world as well) is under another ordeal. The spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19 has a direct impact on the economy. Times are indeed tough for businesses. In an effort to combat the ongoing challenges in the country, the Federal Government is currently providing a $17.6 […]
Guide: Why Commercial Solar Could Be Perfect for Your Business

As a business owner, using solar panels for your office, warehouse, or any other structure, may seem risky. The concept can be quite confusing and complex. Perhaps you have heard about more prominent companies going solar. Even if you know some of the advantages, you still think it is not feasible for your business to […]
Why It’s a Great Time to Invest in Solar Despite the COVID-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus, known as COVID-19, is currently putting most industries to the test. Among them is the solar industry, which has been growing continuously over the past several years. Then, this pandemic happened and the question rises in mind to invest in solar or not? As of the latest update, there are already 800,000+ cases […]
Are Microgrids the Ideal Renewable Energy Solution for Australia?

Over the past few years, many customers have expressed their interest in both solar and extra storage. When they cannot rely on their electric companies, they still want to turn their lights on. The goal is to generate power for their homes while storing solar that they can use later. The solution is here: microgrids. […]