
How Solar Can Help Your Next Camping Adventure

camping 4x4 in australia

When we travel and go camping, we have the opportunity to unplug and get away from all the stresses in life. But accessing power is just as crucial to those venturing on a road trip as it is to someone staying comfortably indoors. We’ve all heard about the benefits of solar. With the advent of portable solar systems, those headed for an outdoor adventure can enjoy the same perks as those who remain in their homes.

Many years ago, campers used to have petrol-driven products to power their trailers and campervans. Today, they can leave those hefty, noisy, and not-so-eco-friendly equipment at home. If you’re travelling and camping, you no longer have to worry about battery-powered appliances and tools. And we’re not just talking about smartphones. You can now take advantage of solar to power every range of camping equipment you can think of, such as:

  • Lanterns
  • Flashlights
  • Stoves
  • Campsite generators

Solar power has become essential for campers like you. It’s a rugged, durable, and lightweight piece of equipment that you can easily transport in your vehicle. Best of all, there is no need to sacrifice your access to different tools that you have always wanted to bring. Now, you can take your GPS systems, cooking devices, and weather band radios.

Campers and Travellers Need to Harness the Power of the Sun

Here’s an interesting fact that you probably have not heard before. Did you know that the sun’s energy can power up all our technology? Using less than an hour of sunlight, our planet can have all the power it requires for a full year!

While there is still so much improvement needed, the world is already embracing solar faster than ever. Solar has become the most prominent growing source of energy, and it employs more people than other sources.

And if you love travelling and going camping, there are even more reasons for you to love solar. Here are a few benefits of having a solar system whenever you plan on staying several days on the road:

Solar is reliable

When you look up at the sky, you know the sun is there, even during winter and rainy days. Solar power will not let you down, especially when you have a good set of portable solar panels rated with high annual yields. It’s essential to look at the yield since you could be camping in an area that’s not as sunny as Perth.

Solar is environmentally-friendly.

Compared to gasoline generators, solar does not emit fumes. The panels and the whole system are a good source of clean energy. That’s why many parks in the country have restricted access to campers who bring generators. They prefer groups that use solar.

Using solar systems is more cost-efficient than other options

When you use solar, think about the free energy you can use whenever and wherever you want. Sure, the investment is hefty, usually more significant than buying a generator. However, generators require fuel, which is not cheap. Maintenance is also a considerable expense, unlike solar panels that are built to be sturdy and withstand harsh environments.

You can enjoy a dependable source of emergency power

You can always lose power even when you have a generator. With a solar system, you can add a battery to store the extra energy you have gathered and use it when needed. You have enough to consume on small electrical items, such as phones and flashlights until the power comes back.

You can charge your devices anywhere you want

Because of portability, you can take solar panels with you and charge whatever device you need anytime and anywhere. You have power when you go camping when the sun is up, making it easy to recharge electronics.

You do not have to worry about other people complaining about the noise

Generators use fuel, and they make so much noise that no one will want to camp beside your trailer. The biggest draw of generators is that they can provide more power. However, it isn’t easy to sleep at night with the loud humming of the equipment in the background.

Embrace the Convenience

With solar panels by your side, bidding farewell to the limitations of battery-powered devices becomes a reality. No longer do you have to ration your smartphone usage or compromise on essential tools. From GPS systems that guide you through uncharted terrain to weather band radios that keep you informed of upcoming storms, solar power ensures that your camping arsenal remains fully charged and ready for action.

Revel in Eco-Friendly Camping

In the serene landscapes where we seek solace, the harmony of nature should be preserved. Solar power offers a green alternative to traditional gasoline generators, eliminating harmful emissions and reducing your carbon footprint. By harnessing the sun’s energy, you can immerse yourself in the beauty of the outdoors while treading lightly upon the Earth.

Embrace Cost-Effectiveness

Although the initial investment in solar panels may seem substantial, it pales in comparison to the recurring expenses of fuel and maintenance associated with generators. Once you’ve made the leap to solar power, the energy you harness is free and abundant, allowing you to power your devices without worrying about the rising costs of fuel or the need for constant maintenance.

Embrace the Power of Preparedness

Nature is known for its unpredictable twists and turns. A sudden storm or a power outage can leave you stranded without electricity. However, with solar panels and a battery storage system, you have a dependable source of emergency power. Charge your devices, illuminate your surroundings, and stay connected until the power is restored, all thanks to the energy captured from the sun.

Immerse Yourself in Portability

One of the greatest advantages of solar power for camping is its portability. Compact and lightweight solar panels can be easily transported in your vehicle or backpack, allowing you to set up camp wherever your heart desires. Whether you’re embarking on a hiking expedition or setting up a base camp for outdoor exploration, solar panels grant you the freedom to harness the sun’s energy wherever your wanderlust takes you.

solar panel for camping tent

Solar Buying Guide

Are you ready to buy a camping or travelling solar system for your next trip outdoors? First off, you want to know your available options, which include:

  • Multi-Fold: This type of solar charger is the largest when you unfold the system. But it’s actually not because of its size. A multi-fold solar system has a lot of panels, and you can fold up the whole system so that you can transport the panels anywhere. However, when it is time to unfold and gather solar energy, this type is anything but portable.
  • Multi-Panel: Unlike the other type mentioned above, a multi-panel solar charger is designed to be mobile even if you’re not charging. The system typically has three to four panels. It also comes with canvas casings, allowing you to wear them over your backpack. You can keep using the system even when you’re on the move. However, a multi-panel is often less durable unless it comes with a stand and metal or plastic case.

When purchasing a solar system for travel, there are a few things to bear in mind:

  1. PortabilityEven when you have set camp, it is unlikely that you will remain in that spot for the rest of the camping trip. You want to be able to move around without the hassle of folding and unfolding an extensive system and installing them in the yard. If you’re going hiking, you can’t just leave the panels behind. Having the solar panels hanging over your backpack is a great choice.
  2. FeaturesHow many charging ports are there? Some portable chargers come with two USB outputs only. It’s not a big deal if you only have one or two devices that should be recharged during the day. Note that you will most likely require more solar panels if you need more ports. If you are charging a battery, you cannot use one of the ports, too. Consider this detail before you purchase.

    Some chargers have 2.4 amps of power, which means it will take a long time to charge new electronic devices. You cannot expect quick charging if you go for a cheaper or substandard solar panel. Always ensure that you check the amount of amperage provided by the solar panel you have selected.

  3. EfficiencyGood panels can operate with a quarter of the sunlight they acquire, which they can quickly transform into usable power. Look for higher efficiency panels with at least a 20 per cent rating.

    If your budget allows, buy a rechargeable battery pack. You can hook your panels to it to dramatically increase the system’s versatility. Also, be sure to check and survey the campsite where you plan to stay to know the best areas to position the panels.

    As you embark on your next camping adventure, remember the words of these great personalities who understand the transformative power of solar energy:

    • Albert Einstein, the brilliant physicist, once said, “We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.” Solar power is a testament to the marvels of nature’s secrets unveiled, providing us with a renewable source of energy that sustains us on our journeys.
    • Helen Keller, the inspiring advocate for disability rights, believed in the resilience of the human spirit. She said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Let us come together to embrace solar power, not only for its individual benefits but also for its collective impact in preserving the planet we call home.
    • John Muir, the iconic naturalist and founder of the Sierra Club, understood the intrinsic value of nature. He famously proclaimed, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” By harnessing solar power, we can walk hand in hand with nature, cherishing its gifts while enjoying the comforts that solar energy brings to our camping experiences.

Do you need more information about solar panels? Don’t hesitate to contact EasySolar when you’re ready to switch to a clean, renewable, and convenient source of energy for your home or business in WA.